you are in college or about to graduate, you often dream about earning money
and living a lavish life. Watching movies and TV series also makes us wonder
how we want our lives to be in the future. We are never satisfied with what we
have now and always want more. It can be a better car, a big house, a better
job, better furniture, better clothes, or shoes.
you start walking on the road where you spend money from your savings on
whatever you feel like at that moment, trust me, there is no going back. Are we
trying to tell you that spending your own hard-earned money is bad? Not at all,
but not spending it wisely is not a great option. Sometimes a person starts
using multiple credit cards to meet lavish expenditures and end up in credit
card debts.
per the latest research, money is not the way to buy happiness in your life,
and we couldn’t agree more. The question comes about how you should tackle your
money to lead a more productive life:
Ü Start
making a luxury budget every month
are getting paid the right amount and your urge to spend it on the things you
were planning to do as soon as you get your monthly pay cheque. We aren’t
stopping you from doing that, but we have a better option. Prepare a list of
items that are in the wish list of buying them. It should not be more than 5
items and decide an amount, say 200 pounds. This will make sure that you save
money while satisfying yourself.
Ü Think
about what you need
you are looking at a shopping site while snacking and your eyes get fixed on a
brand new watch that costs a lot. You know that you don’t need it, but it will
look good on you. What will be your next step? You will save it, and after a
few minutes of thinking, you are going to buy it. You will wear it 5-6 times,
and then it is going to sit in your closet. Besides, this is an on-going
process, and after a while, it is not worth it.
time when you start looking at shopping sites, or you want to window shop, take
a moment to think if you need that item or not. This way, you will slowly stop
the impulse to spend your money on unnecessary things.
Ü It’s
time to limit credit card expense
Keeping a credit card is only for essential
expenditure, but people like to use to make specific purchasing. It leads to
credit card debts with a reasonable interest rate. It will eventually become a
burden on you on a longer run. Moreover, the satisfaction you are getting for a
moment will not be worthy anymore.
you have a credit card, keep it in your locker or cupboard where it is not
accessible. This way you will not think of spending money every time you go out
or want to shop from your favourite store.
Ü What
to do when you need money urgently?
habit of spending money can lead to running out of your savings. This isn’t a
favourable situation, and you will eagerly want to find a solution. A simple
one is to borrow money from your family or friends, but it doesn’t work that
way all the time. We have another solution for you, and that is to go to private lenders. Direct lenders provide
facilities of short-term loans such as payday loans, cash loans, provident
loans, and long-term loans such as unsecured personal loans or secured personal
when you require funds in a day, going to a bank isn’t going to work. Loan
approval takes time, and several factors come in your way before the money
reaches your bank. Now, if you have a bad credit score or don’t have a
guarantor to get a loan, then such lenders help you. You can get secured loans for bad credit history
or a short term loan on your doorstep in a day.
are some loans such as doorstep loans where you don’t even need a bank account.
You need to take care of how much the high-interest rates are and how you are
going to repay them. If you were employed, then it would be not a problem since
you are required to provide proof of income to the lender.
is very important, and there are many ways to do that. However, spending your
money entirely is not an excellent way to do that. You should not consider
buying your happiness from money. Consider building a safety pool from the
money so that it can be used in case of an emergency. Making a budget for
everything along with careful use of credit cards makes a big difference.
Planning your finances right always leads to a higher road.
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